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Brendon at work
Brendon at work


Cargill Enterprises currently employs over 80 people with some level of a disability. Ages range from school leavers through to retirees.

Our employees are asked to apply themselves to the best of their ability and embrace the culture of care, patience and respect common to any good workplace.  All employees have personal development plans and for some, these will include life skills such as using a computer or improving their numeracy and literacy. We offer regular classroom type training programmes run during paid work hours and tutored by skilled, contracted educators to support and upskill our employees. All employees have a typical employment agreement and are expected to fulfill workplace obligations, be punctual, work the agreed hours, pay taxes and contribute to Kiwisaver.  From this they take great satisfaction and confidence knowing that their employment contract was achieved on merit, hence making a meaningful and valuable contribution to their communities and the economy. 

As a result of employees taking pride in their workmanship and applying their skills we have developed and established a proven, respected footing in the business community for producing top quality products and services. ​​​​​​​

Providing employment improves quality of life by helping build self-esteem, self-confidence and work skills. If you think you would like to apply for a position with us please contact our HR Manager.