Greg Peyroux
Greg Peyroux

Greg Peyroux is a seasoned technologist and executive with over 25 years of experience in IT, data science, and environmental research. Much of this time has been dedicated to innovative projects and leadership roles, including founding and leading companies such as Iris Data Science and OmniEye. He has extensive experience in managing complex projects across various sectors, including agriculture, health, and environmental science.

Greg is a serial entrepreneur, having co-founded multiple machine learning, computer vision, and data analytics businesses. Ventures range from agri-tech, consultancy, and health. Highlights include serving as Executive Director and CEO. Notable achievements are the development of a world-first facial recognition system for sheep and an automated, continuous locomotion scoring system to detect lameness in cattle.

Greg's governance experience spans multiple industries, including technology, environmental sciences, and community services. His leadership roles have included overseeing high-performance computing initiatives, digital transformations, and strategic development projects. Greg is pleased to be an Honorary Senior Research Fellow in the Food Science Department at Otago, providing his blend of business, data, IT, and research experiences with the Agricultural Innovation programme.

Greg and his family are from Dunedin, where they have been actively involved in the local community. Music and the arts play a significant role in their family life, with Greg serving as the Musical Director for the Cantores Choir and supporting various artistic and environmental initiatives.