Trevor Kempton
Trevor Kempton

Trevor Kempton MNZM.

Trevor Kempton is a professional engineer with 45 years’ experience in civil and environmental engineering, project management and construction. Much of this time was with Naylor Love where he served 8 years as Chief Executive, 25 years as a director and 7 years as Chair.

Trevor has extensive governance experience in Construction, Energy, the Arts and in public enterprise as an Otago Regional Councillor from 2010 to 2019.  He is a fellow of the NZ Institute of Management and a Chartered Director.

Trevor and his wife Carol have lived in Dunedin for 45 years and have three children. Music has played a big part in family life. Carol is a singer, daughter Jenny is a singer and arts consultant in Edinburgh, David is a professional musician in Sydney and Sam is a West African drummer. Trevor plays the Tuba.